Monday, September 12, 2011

My Nook Book

Can I just say how much I LOVE my Nook?  It's my favorite.  I love that I can read lying down and on my back and I don't have to hold the pages open.  I love that I can hold the book and turn the page with the same hand, at the same time.  I love everything about it.

Okay, I don't love that it took me 3 hours to figure out how to get library books transferred from my computer to my Nook, but that's okay.  I figured it out, and I DO love that I CAN read library books on my Nook.

Anyway, I have read 2 books so far since I got it.  The first was The Help, which was so so so good.  I think pretty much anyone would enjoy this book.  It's a really moving story, and while it may be a bit controversial, I really enjoyed it.  It helped me understand what life was really like for Black Women, and Black people in general, in the South during the 1960s, and the myths that White People created to justify the "Separate but Equal" craziness.  (i.e. Black People have different diseases than White People, and therefore must use a different bathroom so there's no cross-contamination.)  I really enjoyed the book, and think most others would too.

Then I read Water For Elephants, which I also really enjoyed.  Water for Elephants is about an old man who is remembering his days when he worked as the veterinarian in a traveling circus.  This book is really interesting.  It has murder, love, love triangles, and pretty much everything you could want.  I was kind of hesitant about reading it, but it had so many good reviews that I bought it and I'm glad I did.  (Warning, it does have a fair amount of profanity, so if that bothers you then don't read it.)  I haven't seen the movie that came out this year, but now that I finished the book I'd really like to.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reviews! Keep 'em comin'! :) I haven't read either of those books yet despite their popularity. I do want to read them though! Glad you're enjoying your Nook!



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