Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Poor Pinky Toe

I don't know what it is about my pinky toe and the month of June that don't mix.

The first incident occurred in June of 2007.  (I think June 15th, because I remember it being the day after my grandma's birthday.)  My family had gone up to Oregon to visit her for her birthday.  We were getting ready that morning in the hotel and I was playing with my nephew.  I was chasing him around the room and my toe had an unfortunate encounter with the wheel of my moms suitcase .  It was placed diagonally on the floor, and as I ran by I kicked the wheel, which went right between my pinky toe and my other toes.

I was instantly in a LOT of pain.  I mean a lot.  I started to cry and I told my mom that I thought I broke my toe.  She told me to run it under water in the bathtub.  (How is that supposed to help?)  I did that, knowing that wasn't going to help my broken toe.  I told her I needed to go to the hospital or something and she laughed at me and said we didn't need to go to the hospital for my toe.  (If I had thought about it I would have known that, but it was my first broken bone, so what did I know?)

Anyway, my mom called my aunt, who is a nurse, and she said to just tape it to the toe next to it and take some tylenol.  My sister-in-law got some sports tape from the front desk at the hotel and came up to help me put it on.  I was still crying, by the way.  It really hurt.  One of the most painful things I've ever experienced, if not the most painful.  Within a few hours, a huge bruise had started to form, which eventually overtook about half of my foot.  Luckily the break wasn't too bad (my toe wasn't hanging off to the side, or anything).  I did eventually end up going to the doctor.  I had to get my mission physical and he saw the bruise on my foot and said "I'm going to need an xray of that."

Here's a picture of my foot several weeks after I broke my toe.  I don't know why I didn't take one sooner.  By this time the bruising had started to go away, but you can still see it.  It went almost all the way over to my big toe, and half way down my foot.  This is the coolest bruise I've ever had.

Yesterday, I went to Lagoon with my sister-in-law Kari, neice, nephew, and my neice's friend.  As my niece, her friend, and I were getting on the JetStar I misjudged my step and a little metal bar went between my pinky toe and my other toes.  I winced in extreme pain, but I had to control myself as there were others around.  But it really hurt.  However, I didn't cry, so I figured it probably wasn't broken.  When we got off the ride and I had to walk on it, it hurt but was more bearable than I remember it being in 2007 when I had to walk.  After a little while I sat down on a bench with Kari and I looked down at my toe and it was like 2x its normal size and bright red.  My poor toe. 

Here's a picture of it today.  I don't think it's broken, although I can't move it as well as I normally can, and it still hurts.  I probably just sprained it (can you sprain a toe?).  It's bruised, but not too bad.  I'm confident that it will recover quickly. 

So at this rate should I expect another pinky toe injury in June 2015?

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