Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This is a little past due.  Connor got his stitches out.  We went the following week (so Aug 1st) to get them out.  We went back to the ER, which was significantly busier this time than the last.  Much more time was spent in the waiting room.  Probably only about 20 minutes, but last time we didn't have to wait at all.

Connor was less than thrilled that he had to wear another hospital wrist band.  We went in to see the nurse and they asked how long the stitches had been in for.  We said 1 week, and they said "Only 1 week?"  Then they asked who told us to come back in 1 week?  "Uh, the doctor did" I said.  Then they had to go find another doctor and have him look at Connor's leg to make sure the stitches could come out.  It took him less than 5 seconds to determine they were ready.

Unfortunately, I missed the interesting part of the stitches coming out.  They made me go answer a bunch of insurance questions.  By the time I was done, Connor was finished too.  He said that it hurt a little, and told me that I had mislead him because when I had stitches in my hip and they took them out it didn't hurt at all.  I guess my hip has a lot more cushion than his thigh, though.  :)

Connor's car isn't fixed yet.  Hopefully by the end of the week.  They had to order an entirely new roof, which Honda would only ship by land, so that's why it's taking so long.

Anyway, all is well.  Almost everything is fixed.  Let's hope nothing else breaks for awhile.

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