Sunday, October 6, 2013

One Year Visit Stats

On Wednesday the 2nd we took Matthew for his 1 year checkup.  Connor was off that day, so he was able to come along, which was great because they were so slow.  We switched pediatricians, and while I really like her, the visit was incredibly slow.  Our 8:45 appointment was finally over at 10am.

Matthew was pretty good for his check-up.  He did not like it when he had to lay down to get measured.  They had to prick his finger to check his iron levels (I guess that's normal for the 1 year appointment), and he did better with the finger prick than he did lying down to get measured.  Silly kid.

Here are his stats:

Length: 29.72" 47th Percentile
Weight 22 lbs 1 oz  36th Percentile
Head Circ. 44.8 cm  10th Percentile

He's no longer off the charts for his height, but he still seems really tall to me.  Also, a lot of people comment about how tall he is.  But I guess he's about average now.

Like I said, the new pediatrician was really nice and Matthew did really well except when she wanted to see in his mouth.  He does not like people messing with his mouth.  (By the way, he has 2 new teeth but he's still working on the other 2 on top.)  After she was done we had to wait what felt like forever for a nurse to come back with his shots.  He had 4.

At Wee Care (where I used to take him), they would team up with another nurse and have one do the shots in one leg and the other do the shots in the other so that it would be quicker.  They didn't do that, and Matthew was really angry.  It took him a little while to calm down, and then he was fine for the rest of the day.  It seemed like he was a little warm, and then he'd be fine.  I didn't even give him any tylenol or motrin (although I did give him some peppermint and lavender essential oils).

Oh, and they gave him a little book, which he loves.  Have I mentioned how he loves books?  He will give you the same one to read over and over again and if you stop reading it or try to read a different book he will cry and cry until you go back to the one that he wants.  It's hilarious and adorable.  That's one of his tells that he is tired and ready to go to sleep, usually.

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