Friday, May 23, 2014

Things come in 3s

SO much has happened since I last blogged. I don't even know where to start. 

1. Baby is growing well and all that good stuff. He is very active, and has a great heart beat at each checkup. I don't love the sciatica, and other lovely pregnancy things, but other than that this has been a pretty low key pregnancy (so far...knock on wood). I'm grateful that with everything else that has been going on, I haven't had too much to worry about pregnancy-wise. 

2. I went back to work! Near the end of last year I felt like I should go back to work for whatever reason. I talked to Connor and my former supervisor at JetBlue and decided to apply as soon as they were hiring. That didn't turn out to be until around February, I interviewed in March and was officially rehired in April. 

It seems crazy, but everything has worked out so perfectly with the timing of everything. The week that I was rehired to reservations, the department I used to work in was accepting applications (which hadn't happened for years!) so I hurried and submitted my application, interviewed, and I get to go back to crew support in a couple weeks. It seriously could not have worked out more perfectly.

Of course I miss being with Matthew all day long, but it's also nice to have some time to myself, and it has been great for him and Connor to get more one-on-one time, and Matthew is doing much better with his separation anxiety. He's so cute when I drop him off at our friends house to go to work. He reaches for Mary and waves bye to me. I'm glad he has so much fun over there. 

3. We moved! I can't believe it happened so fast. In February, Connor and I both separately had the thought that we should move. We loved our old house, but did not love the HOA, plus with me going back to work we needed space for an office, not an office/nursery. So we listed our house mid March, and got an offer less than 3 weeks later. The day after we got an offer, we found our new house, which was vacant so we decided to try to do a quick close and we moved in on May 3rd.

It was so incredibly stressful, and because of some bad information from one lender (who we didn't end up using), we didn't even know if we were going to get approved for the loan at all. But somehow everything miraculously worked out and we were very blessed to get our house. Moving wasn't too much fun either, but we had a lot of help from our wonderful family and friends and it was actually pretty quick. We've been here for nearly 3 weeks and there are still things to unpack and what not, but I'm not in too much of a hurry. 

We absolutely love our new house. It has way more space than we need right now, but we will grow into it. With the way everything worked out, we know that this is definitely where we are supposed to be right now. 

***Pictures to come!***

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