Sunday, May 12, 2013


Holy cow was Saturday a busy day. We finally tackled our garden in the backyard. That was a big project. We had neglected it since we moved in, so the weeds were really bad. 

There were 2 trees that the previous owners had planted that were half dead and kind of weird anyway, so we took those out. Our soil back there is basically clay so we tried to fix it some. We rented a tiller, bought something called utelite, and tilled the soil. That was quite the project. The tiller we rented was huge, and didn't really fit in some areas of the garden. We damaged the fence a little bit, but nothing too bad. The soil back there is better, but we didn't buy enough of that utelite to really fix it.

We were on a time crunch to return the tiller, so we dropped that off, stopped by Home Depot for some plants, and came home and planted. We were so tired and didn't finish until about 7. It looks so much better. We still need to buy more top soil to put down, and we have some lights to put out there. Our plan is to do that tomorrow. 

I'm excited to see the finished project. And I'm looking forward to actually being able to enjoy our back yard this year!

Here's my before and after. I did the first photo from our bedroom window. Connor had already started pulling weeds. We literally filled our garbage can with weeds. 

Around lunch time we went inside to eat. We had the missionaries over for dinner the night before, so we heated up the leftovers and ate around the coffee table since Matty was playing on the floor. After we were done, we cleaned up and picked up where we left off. Well, apparently I forgot to put away the butter. Later I noticed the dish was still on our coffee table, but it was empty. I asked Connor if for some crazy reason he had used all the butter. (There was about half a stick.) He hadn't. Well, that explained why Andy had puked all over our patio. (So glad it was on the patio!)

Poor sick puppy. Andy didn't feel so well for the rest of the day. 

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