Friday, October 7, 2011

Knee Surgery - Round 2

At 6:15 this morning I checked into TOSH (The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital) for my 2nd knee surgery of the year, and hopefully the last of my life.  I was the first on Dr. Cooley's schedule so I got checked in and set up pretty quickly.

It's interesting to see how hospitals work differently.  My last knee surgery was in Park City and TOSH does things a bit differently.  My room this time was bigger, and I had my own bathroom, which was nice.  When Connor and I got into the room they had me give a urine sample to make sure I wasn't prego. The nurse who was helping me told me that she's had a few times where the pregnancy test has come back positive, and sometimes it's a teenager whose pregnant and that can create some drama.

After I came out of the bathroom I found Connor like this:

Poor Connor.  He was exhausted.  His parents had gone to New York for his dads high school and the flew in at midnight.  Connor was very kind and offered to pick them up from the airport and didn't get home until after 1.  Needless to say, he didn't get very much sleep.

Then they had me change into the very attractive hospital gown and explained the process to us.  In Park City Connor was able to wait in our room the entire time.  At TOSH he had to go back out to the waiting room and then when Dr. Cooley went out to talk to him when the surgery was finished, he was supposed to go move his car to the other side of the building, and then wait in another area until I woke up.

So then Dr. Cooley came in and wrote 'Yes' on my left knee.

For the record, I really like Dr. Cooley.  He is so nice and he has such a good reputation (he works with the Olympic Skiers, and Tiger Woods, among others), and he did a really good job on my right knee that I would never ever go to anyone else for anything knee related.

About 20 minutes after Dr. Cooley left the OR nurse came in and talked to me a little bit, and then arrived Dr. Johnson, my anesthesiologist.  He gave me some info, and then asked me if I was okay to walk to the OR.  I was really surprised (I was wheeled into the OR at Park City) but I said okay and got up and walked.  He did put the blanket over my back so not everyone could see all that loveliness as we walked by.  So we walked to the OR (which was freezing cold) and I got on the table.  I told Dr. Johnson that at Park City they wheeled me into the OR and he said that I was far too healthy to be wheeled into the OR.  :)  Then he told me that he had already given me the first set of anesthesia, they put the oxygen mask over my face, and then I was out.

I woke up and I remember I was dreaming a little, but I have no idea what about.  They came to me and asked how I was.  I was okay but my mouth and throat were really dry.  They said it was because of the breathing tube (I didn't know they had done that).  They brought me some cranberry juice and some graham crackers and I took some percocet.  I was shaking a lot as I came off of the anesthesia, so they brought me some warm blankets.  Plus, I was nauseated so they gave me something to throw up in, just in case. 

A little while later Connor came in from the waiting room. They gave me my prescriptions, and some instructions.  I got a nice new ice cooler, which I loved so much from last time.  They weren't going to give it to me because I already have one but I asked for it so they gave it to me anyway.  I'm glad I did, though because I realized later that the one I have wouldn't have worked because the clasps are different.  Then I got dressed and they wheeled me out to the car.  The nurse who wheeled me out warned be about the side effects of percocet, mainly constipation.  I remembered that well from last time.  Hopefully this time won't be so bad.  :)

We got home and I slept on and off all day long.  Then I got really nauseated and even though I was taking anti-nausea medicine, it was still pretty bad.  Connor brought me a cold washcloth, which made me feel a lot better.

Now I'm feeling really good.  My follow-up appointment with Dr. Cooley is Wednesday morning so I will get my brace off then (thank goodness).

P.S.  I am still kinda drugged up, so hopefully this post is coherent.  :)

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