Friday, September 16, 2011


I never know how to do these things.  They never get easier.

This morning my brother Ryan passed away.  He was in a car accident.  He fell asleep while driving, overcorrected, rolled his truck, and was ejected from the vehicle.  You can read a short article here.

Ryan will be greatly missed.  He was a great brother, and still is.  His fun loving personality will be missed.  We are grateful that we were able to spend some time with him in California.

Ryan and my dad must have had a wonderful reunion.

This is us at Disneyland in 1994 (I think).  Ryan is 2nd from the front and I'm 2nd to the back.

My wedding day.
From the Left it's Joe, Ryan, Me and Eric

Dancing with Ryan at my wedding.

On our way to San Francisco.
We love you Ryan, and we will miss you.


  1. Oh, Jenna, this post is so sweet. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you know that I am praying for you and your family. Love ya, girl!

  2. I am so, so sorry, Jenna. Wow. You and your family are definitely in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Thank you Jenna for such a sweet post! I too am grateful we got to hang out over labor day weekend. I wish I took a picture of him and Addison! I got everyone else!

  4. Jenna, you sweet girl. I am so sorry about Ryan. He was full of fun and life. Those are beautiful pictures and beautiful memories, and it's a beautiful thought to imagine him entering into your dad's waiting arms.

  5. Jenna, I spoke with your mother this afternoon. It is mind numbing and heart rending that something like this could have happened. We still have one of Ryan's jackets hanging in our closet from when he was in elementary school with our son Quinn. All my love to you, Eric, Joe, and especially your mother.
    The DelHoyo Family

  6. Thank you everyone. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.



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