Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ryan's Funeral

Wednesday night we had Ryan's viewing, and Thursday was his funeral.  Everything went well.  Thursday was a beautiful day.  My mom, Eric, and Joe all spoke at the funeral, but I didn't.  Eric was giving me a hard time about it, but I don't feel bad.  I pretty much organized the whole thing (with loads of help from Connor).  I did my part.

Ryan was buried at East Lawn right beside my dad.  It's actually my mom's plot but they dug it double deep so when my mom dies (in, hopefully, a very long time) she will go in the same plot that Ryan's in.

Here are some photos of the cemetery.

Ryan's casket with Cameron by it.
Eric personalized the casket with words about Ryan all around the base written in Sharpie.  It was very cool

My friends Ami and Ashley brought us some Mountain Dew (Ryan's favorite soda) so that we could do a toast to him by the grave.  It was such a great idea and I'm sure Ryan loved it.

After it was all over we had a really nice luncheon provided to us by the Riverside Ward, which was our ward in Provo.  They were all so sweet to do that for us.  Then we headed back to Eric and Kari's to hang out that night.  

Friday I was exhausted.  I woke up at 9:30 am and then about 10 am I crashed again and slept for another 2 hours.  This last week has been exhausting.  But I'm grateful that everything went well, and that Connor was there to help every step of the way.


  1. Sounds like it was beautiful and fitting for Ryan. I am sure you are physically and emotionally drained. I hope you get a little time to recover being heading back to work. The personalization of the casket is awesome.

  2. I'm glad the funeral went well, and that now you can rest.

    I really like Eric's sharpie personalization. Very sweet and unique.



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