Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Free!

I got my brace off today!  Yay!  It's soooooo nice to have it off.

Since I'm still not allowed to drive, and since Connor had a funeral service for one of the people that died in the plane crash in Wendover, my wonderful friend, Jenni, took me to my doctors appointment.

When they took us back the first thing they did was take off my brace and my bandage and gauze.  My knee isn't too swollen.  The PA did put a compression sock on my leg.  And let me just say, it's pretty awesome.  And quite attractive.  Jenni said that it's too bad that it only comes in white.  It'd be more fun if it came in other colors, and I couldn't agree more!  :)

I thought they were going to take out the stitches, but apparently they should just dissolve on their own.  That's good, because the idea of them taking out the stitches makes me nervous.  I know, I'm a wuss, but things like that make me really nervous.

Anyway, then Dr Cooley came in and talked to me a little bit and showed me some photos they took of the inside of my knee during my surgery.  He told me what the name of the problem was, but I can't remember it.  Basically, it's what I had said before.  My knee cap was out of place so it was rubbing something wrong.  You can kind of see in some of the photos of my knee that there's some blistering and some red parts from irritation and inflammation.  He let me keep the photos so I'll have to scan them and post them.  :)

Anyway, he said that it's a genetic issue and it's very common to have the same problem in both knees so we're going to have to watch the other one.  If I do end up doing the other knee I'd like to do it this year and just get it over with.  Plus, I figure I can make the most of my insurance deductible since we've already paid for the one surgery.  But if I don't need it at all that would be great.  Let's hope for that!

Dr. Cooley told me that I'd need to go back in about 6 weeks, and also that I should do some physical therapy to get my strength in my leg back to where it needs to be.  I have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow with a physical therapist.

My knee is hurting a little more today than yesterday, but that's probably because I don't have my brace on anymore with my ice pack.  I am supposed to ice my knee 2x/day for about 30 minutes so my handy little cooler will be useful for that too.

My pretty knee. 

This was supposed to show the difference between the 2 legs with my swelling but the lighting is really bad.
But you can sort of tell.

My super hot compression sock.  I have to wear it for 2 weeks.
I know you're jealous.  :) 

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