Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Knee Update

It's been one week since my surgery.  I'm feeling pretty good today.  I made dinner (in the crockpot -- my favorite cooking appliance), and cleaned the kitchen up a little bit.  Now I'm relaxing and watching Toy Story 3 on TV.  (How is it that the Toy Story movies keep getting better, but Pirates of the Caribbean movies keep getting worse?  Granted, I haven't seen the last one, but that's what I heard.)

Tomorrow morning I go see Dr. Cooley.  I am hoping to be able to take my brace off.  My right leg is sooooo itchy.  I'm going crazy.  It's probably because I haven't been able to shave it in over a week.  Ew.  I'm also looking forward to finding out tomorrow what exactly was done to my knee.  Should be exciting!

Here are some pictures of my knee.  It's hard to really see anything since it's still covered, but it looks okay.  I don't think anything is too swollen.

This is the "Yes" that Dr. Cooley wrote on my leg before surgery.

One of my 3 incisions.  It's bigger than I thought it would be.
I think tomorrow they'll take the stitches out.

My knee.  You can kind of see the other 2 incisions at the top of the picture.  I can't pull up my bandage any further because my ice pack that's connected to my cooler is right there.  And there's a pretty sweet bruise.  :)
I'm not sure why my knee looks red in the pictures.  It's really not.  Maybe I should use my actual camera instead of my iPhone to take the pictures.

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