Wednesday, August 21, 2013

San Ramon (Aug 6 - 7)

I'm catching up!

On Tuesday August 6th, Matthew and I left Virginia and took a 5 1/2 hour flight to Oakland.  The flight went really well, thank heavens.  We were even on the plane an extra 45 minutes because of a weather delay, but Matthew did great.  People commented on how well behaved he was, which did not happen on our flight out to Virginia.  It was amazing.  There were quite a few babies on that flight, and one was not very happy.  I could definitely empathize with the parents of that baby.

We got to Oakland, where Crystal and her kids picked us up from the airport.  We got to their house, and pretty much took it easy for the rest of the day.  Matthew had a lot of fun playing with all of their toys, and it gave me some good ideas for toys that we might want to get him for his birthday.

They have this adorable little puppy.  Matthew loved him, and he loved Matthew.  I, however, did not love how the puppy always wanted to lick Matthew's face, and Matthew was all too happy to oblige.  I guess it's good for his immune system, right?

The next morning we woke up and had some breakfast.  Matthew is teething so he sucked on some frozen berries.  He was a huge mess.

After breakfast we headed out to a park with a trail where Crystal and I walked with Matthew and Addison in the stroller, and the boys rode their bikes.  After our walk we went to a park where the kids could play for a bit.  They had a big sandbox, and Matthew had fun playing in and eating the sand.

When it was about time to leave, Crystal went to load the bikes back into the car.  I was watching Cameron play on the teeter totter with another kid, Taylor was watching Addison, and they and Alex were playing on the playground.  I was chatting with another mom at the park, and I looked over and saw Addison, and then Taylor playing somewhere else.  I asked him if he was watching Addison, and he said yes.  I said 'It doesn't look like it.'

The next time I saw Taylor (a few minutes later), he was walking over to us with Crystal.  Taylor was in a lot of pain because Alex had kicked him off a slide because Taylor was in Alex's way.  He landed on the upper part of his arm, and it looked like he had dislocated his shoulder because it was sticking out.  Crystal dropped off the rest of her kids at a friends home, and we headed to the ER.  They took an xray, and it turns out it was broken!  Poor kid.  Not the most fun way to end the summer.

They put a cast on it, but it was weird because it didn't even cover the break.  They said the goal was to weigh his arm down so that the bone would align properly.  Also, the poor kid had to (and still has to as far as I know) stay upright all the time, even while he sleeps.  Needless to say, Taylor was not very happy.  Plus, the poor kid was in a lot of pain.  They didn't offer him any medicine.  I had to go ask for it.

So that was all very exciting.  I'm sure that's not my last visit to the ER.  I know people say boys are easier to raise than girls, but at least girls don't usually kick people off slides and break their arms.  Just sayin'.

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